Guardrails on the scenic path

Constructing the guardrails that keep me on the “scenic path” is often no more complicated than spending a few minutes outdoors listening to birds or feeling the warmth of the sun.

I was thinking about that recently while listening to a “No Stupid Questions” podcast on the best ways to deal with common but uncomfortable feelings like worry or grief, especially those that are complicated and can grow if left unattended.

Co-host Angela Duckworth noted that Sigmund Freud believed that everyone suffers and that we have defenses against that suffering, with “mature” defenses promoting our emotional well-being (or, as I think of it, staying on the scenic path).

Humor, Duckworth said, is one of those mature defense mechanisms, which caused me to recall that at the end of each day during the pandemic I watched an episode of “30 Rock” or “Modern Family.” These shows and others allowed me to laugh rather than despair at the human foibles and absurdities that at that time seemed to be everywhere. 

Duckworth said that her friend, psychiatrist Samantha Boardman, encourages her patients to counter worry and rumination by leaving their homes to expose themselves to the sights and sounds of the world.

This brings me back to my observation that for me, staying on the scenic path usually involves no more than just being outside for a few minutes or watching a bit of comedy.

While psychotherapy and medications are sometimes necessary, taking care of ourselves can be as simple as doing familiar, easy-to-implement practices like listening to music, talking with a friend or neighbor, or taking a walk.

What are some time-tested strategies you employ to maintain or restore yourself to an even emotional keel?

1 Response to “Guardrails on the scenic path”

  1. 1 Jim Knight June 26, 2024 at 7:22 am

    It is music, or walking, or life-giving conversations for me.

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