What we resist, persists…

… is an adage that usually is applied to the persistence of negative emotions that we tamp down rather than address by more effective means.

But recently I have found another use for that idea—my frustration in my late 70s at not being able to recall the names of too many things. It’s not that I have forgotten them, but rather that I can’t recall them at that moment. When trying to remember a name, for instance, I can visualize the person, even name a spouse or place of employment. But it is only when I let go of trying to recall the name that it comes to me unbidden minutes or hours later. 

Resistance can take many forms—minimizing or denying problems, refusing to listen to views that make us uncomfortable, and holding fast to beliefs that no longer serve us, to name just a few examples.

Can you think of instances in your life when resistance was not in your best interest or that of others?

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